stop smoking side effects - You May Experience When You Kick the Habit

Are you thinking about quitting ? The side effects are to be expected when you quit smoking , but do not let that stand in your way. The benefits of quitting outweigh the side effects you may experience tenfold. And to help stop smoking right these effects can be minimized. Side effects that you feel to quit derive both a physical addiction to nicotine and the psychological dependence on smoking effects of quitting smoking . Some of the side effects you may experience when you stop smoking are listed below .

difficulty concentrating
Agitation / Impatience
Depressed mood / depression
Sleep disorders Decline in performance
increased appetite
The list can be a bit daunting , but do not let that put you off. The good news is that most symptoms occur within the first 1-2 days, the peak in the first week, and disappear within 2-4 weeks. So you can see that the physical addiction to nicotine is actually quite fast. Many of these side effects are due to the psychological dependence on cigarettes .
Smoking has a way of weaving in every aspect of your life. There are so many things to do and places to become associated with cigarettes. It became such an important part of your life that is hard to let go mentally . This can lead to anxiety as you go through your life and do the things that are associated with smoking. One of the best things you can do to increase your chances of quitting smoking is to find help to quit smoking that targets and eliminates cravings . Once you have eliminated cravings , side effects are very mild or no experience at all.

One of the most effective ways to quit focusing on eliminating cravings and eliminate the side effects of smoking cessation programs is NLP or Neuro -Linguistic ways. It is a branch of psychotherapy that has proven very successful to eliminate addictive behavior , as it focuses on the mechanisms that lead to cravings . A recent study in 5000 found that smoking NLP surprising success rate of 92 %. The benefits of NLP can be purchased at home through the use of a simple audio session .

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